The fats you choose are important. Some like Omega 3's and Omega 6's are considered essential as our bodies can't make them. The ratio we consume and how well you break down fats makes up the ratio in our blood/body/cells. This ratio affects inflammation, eye, heart, brain and cholesterol profiles.
Let's talk about how to choose healthy fats and navigate all the others out there!

Sign up for our Free Talk on Healthy Fats here by selecting the "Group Wellness Talk" or contact us to register. When you attend, you will receive 10% off your next or first appointment!

We are offering Omega 3:6 blood profile testing beginning this month.
What's your Omega Profile? Optimizing Essential Fatty Acid Ratios is beneficial for heart, brain, cholesterol, eye and inflammation health.
This self-test kit "Omega 3 Index Plus" will provide your individual profile in an easy to read report and offer suggested strategies to improve your health through diet and supplementation. If you'd like more support, we offer Nutrition Follow Up appointments as needed or a 12 week Optimizing EFA package to help you improve this important health metric.
Contact us for more information or if you would like to learn your Omega 3:6 ratio.
Looking for ways to get more healthy fats in your meals? See this blog post for a delicious and nutritious salmon recipe and this one for a easy and tasty lemon garlic dressing - enjoy!