Adrienne Beaupré & Assoc. LLC
MediHerb Philosophy
Co-founded in 1986 by Professor Kerry Bone, MediHerb is the first choice for health care professionals in herbal products in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
Over 20 Naturopaths within MediHerb
A key part of MediHerb’s success is that it recognizes the importance of having health care professionals in key areas of the organization - over 20 naturopaths and master herbalists have roles within new product development, technical writing, laboratory, clinical support and senior management. These health care professionals, including Kerry Bone, continue to see patients in their own clinics every week keeping them in touch with current health issues. This means that we know from our own hands-on experience how the MediHerb products work and can provide health care professionals and their patients with guidance and education.
Total Commitment to Quality
The philosopher and teacher Rudolf Steiner once said, "For every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant which is the cure. I believe that there is a healing potential locked inside plants which is integral with their evolution, just as it is part of human evolution to learn to tap this wonderful gift of Nature."
In the words of MediHerb's Co-Founder, Professor Kerry Bone: "Our passion at MediHerb is to unlock the healing power of plants by combining the time-honored wisdom of traditional knowledge with sound clinical experience and the rigor of scientific research. This quest can only be attained by the total commitment to quality and continuous improvement, which permeates every aspect of our endeavors."
Redefining Quality
MediHerb's commitment to quality is evidenced in every aspect of our business, from the rigorous sourcing and testing of herbs and the in-depth research and development of herb active constituents and therapeutic applications, to the development of manufacturing and extraction processes that have revolutionized the herbal products industry. For over 25 years, MediHerb has not only demonstrated an unwavering commitment to quality in herbal products, we have redefined it. We believe that our approach to quality sets a standard for herbal products that is unsurpassed in the world today.
Quality Issues with Herbs
Working with herbs to consistently manufacture high quality products is not easy as plants are naturally complex and the quality of a finished product can vary enormously, presenting MediHerb with continual challenges. These challenges are numerous, and include the inherent biological and chemical variability of herbs, the influences on quality of growing, harvesting, drying and storage, extraction of the herb, stability and the ultimate problem of defining quality in a meaningful way.
Put simply not all herbal products are the same
Not all herbs contain the same levels of active constituents. Not all herbs are grown or harvested or dried or stored in the same way. Not all herb growers', suppliers', or manufacturers' standards are the same and not all methods to determine quality are the same.*
* information from